Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Dark days — 'progressive' eugenics, sterilisation & human rights

In the past few weeks some dark ideologies and, some might say, an underlying hidden agenda of some members of the Conservative party have been exposed.

On the 9th of January, Toby Young had to resign from his new post at the Office for Students. He tried his best to delete 50,000 of his 'stains' from twitter, although his past comments came back to haunt him — disabled 'troglodytes', working-class student 'stains' and his teenage-like obsession with women's breasts. His friends came out in force to defend him including Prime Minister Theresa May, Boris Johnson (who claimed he was the 'ideal' man for the job), Jo Johnson and Michael Gove. Unfortunately for Toby Young, it also transpired that he had attended a eugenics conference with several questionable attendees, including one who advocates drugging children before abusing them. He tried to defend his attendance as a 'journalist', and also claimed his previous comments were 'sophomoric'. Which was  slightly confusing, as he was in his mid 40's when he made the comments, leading some to believe that perhaps his own emotional development has been somewhat stunted. 

Ben Bradley was recently promoted by Theresa May to Vice Chair of the Conservative Party, with the responsiblilty of reconnecting the party with younger voters. He was in the news this week for his ideas on sterilising the unemployed, as (in his words) we'll be 'drowning in a vast sea of unemployed wasters that we pay to keep'. He apologised by saying that his 'language was not appropriate', but notably not for his proposed idea of 'free' vasectomies for 'wasters'. It is currently unknown whether the recently unemployed members of Theresa May's cabinet would also be expected to go through the procedure. 

Esther McVey was also recently appointed back to the DWP as the new Work and Pensions Secretary. She's pro-foodbanks and pro-sanctions, and happily removed as much disability support as she could in her last stint at the department. Her previous policies have been linked to suicides and premature deaths, as well as unnecessary destitution. In Frances Ryan's words, her appointment 'is an insult to disabled people'.

Let's also not forget Activate — 'an independent organisation creating a united platform for young conservatives and returning power to the grassroots'. In August 2017, a shocking WhatsApp group conversation was leaked. 'Gassing chavs', 'shooting peasants' and conducting 'experiments [on the poor] to see why they breed so much' all featured in the young conservative grassroots brainstorm.

In August 2017, the Government was also criticised by the UN, who claimed their austerity policies have created a 'human catastrophe' for the disabled, and that welfare cuts have resulted in 'grave and systematic violations' of the rights of the disabled. A study published in the British Medical Journal linked 120,000 deaths to the Government's austerity policies — termed 'economic murder'. Our health and social care is in meltdown. Life expectancy has levelled off, and the Government show no signs of doing anything to address these issues. Sadly, it seems that killing off the poor and vulnerable, as well as sterilisation of the unemployed and 'progressive eugenics', is quite possibly a hidden agenda for our Conservative government. 

The final nail in the coffin this week was the Conservative vote not to maintain the EU charter of Human Rights after Brexit. This would leave the Government free to continue their attack on the poor, disabled and unemployed. Enough is enough — if a dystopian future society full of Toby Youngs, Ben Bradleys and Esther McVeys isn't enough to frighten and anger voters to put an end to this 'economic murder' then we have no hope...

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