Thursday, 1 February 2018

Brexit checkmate for Theresa May

It seems that Theresa May is in Brexit checkmate. Her government report leaked this week forecast that Britain will be worse off with any form of Brexit and that, in a ‘no deal’ scenario, economic growth could fall by 8%. 18 months into Theresa May’s leadership and her party is more divided than ever though, and they still lack any viable consensus or strategy on Brexit. Theresa May’s MPs are getting unruly, fearlessly announcing their (often opposing) demands and visionary ideas to the public. She’s lost control, and they’re starting to close in on her.

Boris Johnson goes where he wants and says what he wants. He’s back in the game and right in Theresa May’s face. Lurking nearby, Michael ‘Govey’ Gove insists he’s playing it straight these days. It’s probably going to take more than a pet-name to fix that reputation.

Philip Hammond caused fury by suggesting the UK should seek ‘modest’ changes with our relationship with the EU, who he previously called ‘the enemy’. Apparently, he has a new enemy these days in the form of Gavin Williamson. Gavin Williamson is moving quickly though — his eyes are on the top job and his kissing days are over.

Unfortunately for Theresa May, extreme circumstances forced out Damian Green and David Davis seems completely unaware that he should be doing anything at all. Jeremy Hunt also has little time for Brexit, as he’s busy orchestrating his mass NHS (and social care) sell-off before his time as Health (and Social Care) Secretary runs out. 

Jacob Rees Mogg is poised to lunge on the Brexit attack in public wherever and whenever he’s needed. He’s been busy waving his fencing sword around like it was 1799 and shouting something about ‘hope and unity’, as well as something else irrelevant in Latin. It would seem that he has quite a dislike for some EU Directives. 

Meanwhile, as the chaos ensues, Nigel Farage — the trouble starter and Brexit instigator — is laughing from afar waving a slightly drunk two fingers at Theresa May. Even Angela Merkel, a woman not known for her humour, is now making jokes about Theresa May’s Brexit negotiating skills. 

Theresa May once helpfully explained that ‘Brexit means Brexit’ but, as she’s now finding out, it’s not really that simple. There’s a feeling of discontent in the winter air. It looks like there’s no way out of this one Theresa May. Checkmate…

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