Monday 15 January 2018

Theresa May's duff reshuffle

Last week Theresa May let her cabinet reshuffle itself. 

Jeremy Hunt apparently had a little cry when Theresa May tried to move him to Business so Theresa promoted him, and now he gets social care to privatise too. 

Justine Greening refused to be moved to the toxic DWP, and resigned. She was last spotted in Parliament sitting in the naughty corner with Anna Soubry and Nicky Morgan.

Theresa May claimed the reshuffle is 'bringing fresh talent into Government, boosting delivery in key policy areas like housing, health and social care.' We currently have a housing crisis, a health crisis, and a crisis in social care. Despite this, Theresa May kept the same housing and health ministers, and even promoted Jeremy Hunt by giving him social care as well. 

Theresa May also claimed to be 'ensuring the Government looks more like the country it serves'. On first glance it doesn't really look like that though...

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