Monday 24 July 2017

...Summer is here!

This year, in the final few days of parliament, Theresa May was hard at work demonstrating her ability to do 'boy jobs'  by chucking out a series of controversial policies at the same time as the BBC were conveniently covering their own problems.  Chris Evans how much? Increase in the pension age. Gary Linekar what? HS2 will cost  even more. Why the salary inequality? 

MPs now have a good seven weeks to do as they please.

Theresa May is going for a walk. She may be some time (three weeks). She can walk but she can't hide.

Jeremy Corbyn plans to march on to Scotland with his band of Many Men over August. His new-found confidence will take him north of the wall where he will target seats from SNP leader, Nicola Sturgeon. "Freedom!" shouts Nicola Sturgeon but no one is really listening to her anymore, and Alex Salmond is out of action after he became wounded during the last battle.

Boris Johnson will likely be spending the Summer entertaining and casually offending Europe. He's really mad that he's not allowed on Twitter to do this, he jovially moans to guests at his party.

Michael Gove could be up to anything over the summer. The chances are that he'll be up to something.

George 'Revenge' Osborne will likely continue to stir up trouble from the safe distance of his editorial desk. Hell hath no fury as a chancellor scorned.

David Davis,  Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, is probably going to take it easy over the summer. As he has done for the past four months. 

Vince Cable (the new/old leader of the Liberal Democrats) was last seen in a confused, slightly delirious, state claiming to be the next Macron and muttering something abut an "exit from Brexit". He seems to have forgotten about the failure of this policy to win votes by his predecessor, Tim Fallon (who subsequently turned to God). His memory is not what it used to be, and he'll most likely be spending the summer playing bingo.

Meanwhile the Brexit clock will keep ticking until 5th September...

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