Tuesday 21 November 2017

Is it game over yet?

Already out of play

Resigned: Michael Fallon, ex Secretary of State for Defence. Unknown whether his resignation was because of his drinking, encouragement of war, support for Apartheid, or 'other'.

Resigned: Priti Patel, ex Secretary of State for International Development. Had 12 secret meetings (Theresa May was/wasn't aware of) with Israeli officials during her 13-day family holiday.

Resigned: George freeman, ex Chair of the Prime Minister’s Policy Board. Jumped ship after defining the Conservatives as  a party of 'public sector austerity and lazy privilege'. 

Still standing, but for how long?

Philip Hammond (Chancellor of the Exchequer) claimed that there are no unemployed people, indicating he's also forgotten about the three very recently unemployed members of his own cabinet. After the Wednesday budget, it is possible that he might be joining the 1.4 million unemployed UK citizens he forgot about, although fortunately he's already been photographed in the style some might describe as  'last day of school'.

It emerged that the material found on (First Secretary of State) Damian Green's work computer would now be classed as illegal and likely involved necrophilia, beastiality, or acts that would cause physical harm. On his work computer. 

There are rumours David Davis (Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union) might resign 'in protest'  because he's being left out of key meetings on exiting the EU. It's also possible he's realised that he really should have done more than half a days work in 16 months... 

Michael Gove (Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) believes that, like himself, animals are not capable of feeling emotion or pain. 

Jeremy Hunt (Secretary of State for Health) has been persevering in his quest to privatise the NHS, and is happily continuing to annoy NHS workers, NHS patients, and pretty much everyone else. 

It's unknown whether the chaos Boris Johnson (Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs) is causing is intentional, due to incompetence,  or a dangerous combination of the two.

Theresa May, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, is responsible for the above mess. And much, much, more. 

It must be game over...

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