Friday 24 November 2017

A government unfit for the future

This week the Chancellor presented his budget, several reports indicated many more decades of dismal economic growth and  living standards, and Larry the Cat is furious.

Chancellor Philip Hammond's achievements in stagnating economic growth, deteriorating living standards and expanding inequality in our society are exceptional. His budget outlines out his determination to continue his ambitious work.

During Jeremy Corbyn's response, MP Andrew Griffiths hid from view while shouting abuse and making noise. There are also rumours that the front bench were passing around alcohol disguised as water. The front bench laughed uncontrollably when the pain caused by their 'policies' on social care was highlighted, although this was possibly not alcohol induced. 

Despite getting 'tough on immigration', the Home Office now says it needs to recruit more EU immigrant workers to register the UK’s three million EU nationals already in Britain. 

Larry the Cat (of no 10 downing street) is furious. The Conservatives voted that he has less emotion than them and that he can't feel pain. In protest, he's thinking about resigning from his post and emigrating to the EU. 

With George Freeman also resigning from his post, and the rest of Theresa May's team facing criticism for a variety of issues, it's looking more likely than ever that it could be game over...

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