Friday 8 December 2017

Cold hearts and hot air

Earlier this week, Theresa May's entire Social Mobility team resigned after their release of a damning report outlining a failure of Theresa May to address one of her core pledges. 

Perhaps slightly at odds with their dramatic resignation in the name of a 'fairer society', the committee are generally strong proponents of public sector privatisation. 

David Davis (Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union) made a bold threat to resign if Damian Green (First Secretary of State) is forced to go. David Davis needs a way out, and quickly. It's quite possible that, in a mild state of panic, he forgot that he could have resigned over the devastating impact that Brexit will have on much of society. It's also possible he didn't read that report.

Philip Hammond doesn't like boats. Or trains, cars or any regular plane. He likes RAF jets and helicopters. Apparently he owes the Ministry of Defence a six-figure bill and now faces a ban until he pays up. A spokesperson for Philip Hammond said they'd pay the bill, but they haven't specified from which tree the money will come from.

Productivity per hour fell by 0.1% between March and June this year, and Philip Hammond singled out the disabled for stagnating UK productivity. Philip Hammond must have accidentally overlooked his underfunding of public services, the pay freeze in the public sector, his underfunding of education, research, development, and transport, the rising number of working families in poverty, as well as the rise in zero-hours contracts. He also overlooked the 1000s of hours wasted by MPs viewing 'extreme' images. And David Davis. 

Richard Branson used to be a care-free hot-air balloon enthusiast, with the world at his feet. Sadly, it would seem that his situation has changed...

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